Mommy-and-family focused lifestyle blogger, Shelby Soileau shares her interview answers with BEZALEL.
1) iPhone or Android? iPhone!
2) Where is the coolest place you’ve traveled? Pagosa Springs
3) What’s your favorite food? Mexican. Queso is liquid gold!
4) If a fan or follower of yours walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be? Be yourself and don’t change for anyone or anything!!!
5) Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog? I was born and raised in Houston, Texas and moved to California almost 2 years ago. I started blogging when I was feeling lost in my medical career and found the industry by scrolling on Instagram. I’ve always loved fashion and lifestyle and loved the idea of having a platform to share all my finds!
6) How would you describe your blogging style? My style stems from my blog’s name Sunshine Daydream. Full of sunshine, bright colors, and good vibes.
7) What’s your proudest accomplishment as a mother? Being one! It’s the best thing in the world!
8) How do you want to improve yourself in the next year? My goal is to get better organized in all aspects of my life.
9) What’s the biggest lesson you learned managing your career and family? Be present in the moment!!! As a blogger I’m always on my phone and that can make it easy to miss the little moments. I love to “unplug”. Which basically means I will pick a couple of hours a week and not touch my phone at all during that hour.
10) Can you name some of your favorite bloggers and explain why they are your favorites? It is so tough to narrow it down to a couple. I love ALL of the bloggers in SoCal Blogger Babes. It’s amazing being in a local community with like minded people who understand the industry. Each blogger brings something different to the group and I think that is amazing!
11) What are you currently working on? Any cool new projects? I recently founded The SoCal Blogger Babes and we are in the works of hosting our first BABECHELLA. The ultimate boho blogger event.
12) Where can people find you (Website, Social Media Links, etc.)? and