What a peculiar thing. The phenomenon of "Black Friday".
History dot com tells us that the truth of such coinage comes not from two cutthroat financiers of Wall Street in the crash of the U.S. gold market. Nor is it the colors red and black (red indicating loss and black profit.) And no, they say, it is not a racial reference to slaves during the buying and selling of human flesh on the plantations of 1800s U.S. soil.
It is, they say, a coinage that emerged from the day of chaotic pedestrians, suburbanites, shoppers, tourists, and folks roaming the streets of Philadelphia in the 1950s to spectate a once-a-year football game. Yes, that's right. Philly police had to work overtime for order and peace-keeping of such unruly traffic due to the yearly, Army-Navy football game occurring yearly on the Saturday post-Thanksgiving. Hence, "Black Friday".
How it became a conceptual mecca for retailers and consumers to mutually benefit come 2018? Well, the rest (after the 1950s Philadelphia story) is history.
What matters now is that "I" and of course, our friends and families, co-workers, and special people in our lives can get things. Things that would have otherwise been 40, 50, up to 80% more expensive.
Friends; the aesthetic appeal, ultra-modern design, strong-quality build, and cutting-edge tech capabilities of BEZALEL products are pretty serious. However, that you can own them at half the price is no joke. In other words, take advantage.
Here are few heads-up just for you:
1) Special VIP discount 50% off everything until Nov. 30th. Use BEZALEL VIP secret code: Jolly50
2) Special "Monday" surprise coming. Stay tuned.
3) If you were one of the Kickstarter backers, check your email for a survey. It'll help us help you.
4) BEZALEL's power adapter, a new 18W USB Wall Charger supporting your FAST-CHARGING needs is available on the website now.
That's all folks. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and perhaps you may consider the mass production of the beaked, feathery fowl of the year. Nevertheless, enjoy and count blessings, as BEZALEL is certainly blessed and thankful for you.