BEZALEL in Hudson Yards b8ta Store!

The most cosmopolitan mall of America located in Manhattan’s luxurious seat with a Hudson River view, Hudson Yards is a shopping development that’s also architectural eye-candy, as its exhibition is a cultural performance itself for modern retail living.

Echoing the polished luxury brands it houses, Hudson Yards is a holy mecca for people who love to shop, eat, and explore the environment of towering beauty and class.

In this theater of contemporary merchants and swift-footed consumers, the ultra-modern, innovative tech retail store b8ta has a part. Everything from products for outdoor living to framed changing artwork can be found in b8ta.

And this includes fast-charging luxury tech devices like BEZALEL’s wireless chargers for Qi-enabled, fast-charging smartphones.

While luxurious in quality and form & function, BEZALEL’s wireless chargers won’t be inaccessible in terms of price brackets. So they’re definitely worth checking out if you’re hanging out in Manhattan’s Hudson Yards! Come check it out and demonstrate the wireless charging experience with your personal smartphone.
